Sunday, August 05, 2007


So I know it's been a long time since I posted anything but I've been a bit busy with Cuba and the house and starting residency, etc. Anyway, I thought I'd write a bit of an update on my life since July 1st (before that was a bit hectic and more than a small update on call can afford). However, as a side note our house is AMAZING and I am completely in love with it. I love going home every day (also in part to the great guy who lives with me there). Thanks to Debbbbbie, Katie, Elisabeth and Dave (and the movers) for helping me transition to life in the Peg and life as a homeowner.

Okay as for work. It's been slightly hectic to say the least. My first call was July 2nd which was a hospital holiday and one of my craziest call shifts to date. I did not even see the call room that night. This story sort of sums it up: I saw a lady who was breech and fully and pushing so I personally wheel her from triage to labour floor at 3am and then think I'm going to scrub in on her section but noooooo - the charge nurse tells me I need to come for a delivery. I thought the staff would be there but noooooo I was standing in front of a woman who was fully and pushing at 35 weeks gestation (pre-term). She'd had a previous 35 weeker that was 3lbs and needed to be in NICU. Pre-terms don't usually go to R1s but the other resident and the staff were in the breech section. So I'm doing ok - getting this woman to push - even though I haven't done a vaginal delivery in almost 6 months and then the charge nurse comes back in and asks if the baby is out yet and I said we had at least another 20 minutes of pushing. She tells me I don't have time I have to scrub for a crash section for NRFHR (non-reassuring fetal heart rate) so I run down the hall, I don't even have time to properly scrub (don't worry I did wash my hands) and I'm first assist on a crash section across from Dr. Morris who did my interview. I haven't been in a section room in at least 4 months and I don't think I've ever been first assist. It actually was pretty good though and I got to close the fascia. But that was my FIRST day as a resident (and really only the early morning hours). It was INSANE.

Things since then have been slightly less overwhelming. I have however had a couple of intrauterine fetal deaths which have been awful and a very sad Gyne Onc case. For the most part it's very busy but good. I'm liking Gyne a lot more than Obs but I think it's because with Gyne you only have to worry about one person's life. So anyway, I'm surviving. And looking forward to my vacation with Foreman coming up in the middle of this week.