Sunday, May 14, 2006

Time for a Fresh Start

So I haven't updated on my old Diaryland diary in a while and I realized that I really wanted my own place to branch out and write things about my life here, medical school and married life, new friends and missing old ones. So I think it's a good time for me to do this. Life for me right now is ok. I just finished my pediatrics rotation and I am soooo happy to be done that. I love kids don't get me wrong but pediatrics has much less to do with loving kids and far more to do with dealing with shitty parents and medicating kids that don't need to be medicated. I could rant on and on about this but I won't because I'm done pediatrics and I should move on. This weekend is really nice because I'm in between rotations right now and so there's a little bit of down time. I get to relax and see my friends and do things other than work or study like clean and go to the gym and sleep in. Yay for real weekends when I'm not on call. I'll post more later but I just wanted to start my blog and I need to get the hang of how this thing works. In the meantime here's a picture of my hubby wearing a fantastic shirt that he got from a very dear friend of mine, Genetics. We have a "sisterhood of the traveling shirt" and our shirt says "Not Everything is Flat on the Prairie" and just so my hubby didn't feel left out she got him this shirt for his birthday which is awesome.

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